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Stillwater Christian Villa
1810 N Washington • 405-377-0141

Rates include cable television, utilities and two meals a day per person.
Apartment, Square, Footage, Monthly Rate:
Efficiency 400 sq. ft. $1,595.00
Efficiency Handicap 455 sq. ft.$1,695.00
Efficiency, with deck 400 sq. ft.$1,665.00
One Bedroom 506 sq. ft.$1,930.00
One Bedroom Suite 525 sq. ft.$1,995.00
One Bedroom, Kitchenette, with deck 506 sq. ft.$1995.00
One Bedroom Handicap 540 sq. ft.$2,030.00
One Bedroom (full kitchen) 644 sq. ft.$2,145.00
Two Bedroom (full kitchen) 930 sq. ft.$2,595.00
Two Bedroom Suite (B) 1165 sq. ft.$2,695.00
***$600.00 deposit required on apts less than 900 sq. feet
***$750.00 deposit required on apts more than 900 sq. feet
***Add $350 for 2nd person
Floor Plans
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